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Welcome to Leading Lights.

Leading Lights Consulting, LLC is committed to guiding students through the process of selecting the college or university that is the best fit for them academically and socially. With over 20 years of experience in higher education, we provide a highly-customized consulting approach to all aspects of the college admissions.

For a Stronger
Why are we called Leading Lights? This is a term used in nautical navigation describing a pair of beacons, separated by elevation and distance that when aligned, provide the best directional bearing. We see these two “lights” as representing the student and the family and it is the role of Leading Lights Consulting to bring these into alignment and provide the best navigational tools for success.
A Guiding Light.
Some of the services offered include:
News & Events.
Student Spotlight.

Jason Willis
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College Admissions.
The National Association of College Admissions Counselors recently published a report (2016) stating that over 50% of high school counselors spend less than 20% of their time helping students with college readiness, selection, and applications. With counselor caseloads averaging 500 students, this does not allow much time per student. Let Leading Lights Consulting help to fill that void and provide your student with the time and assistance they need and deserve during this important process.